
Change we can believe in – BS! How about a little TRUTH?

by on Sep.21, 2008, under Political

I finished the David Freddoso book this week – “The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise …,” and highly recommend it for anyone who wants to know the truth behind the Dems candidate. This book is very well documented and footnoted and paints a picture of an incredibly ambitious (and arrogant) guy who is good at only one thing – running for higher offices. Since entering public life, he has no other accomplishments of any note – NONE.

As for “change we can believe in”, Obama is a big government, Chicago political machine crony who is not only a typical politician, he is the worst of what we hate in politicians. Obama won his first nomination to the Illinois State State Senate after he had all his Democrat opponents thrown off the ballot because his operatives were able to invalidate enough signatures on his opponent’s petitions to run for office. (Remember the howl from the left in 2000 about the Florida voters who were “disenfranchised” because the voting machines could not interpret their incorrectly prepared ballots? We needed a hand count so the “intent” of the voter could be determined from the dimple or hanging chad. How do you think they would have felt about a registered woman voter’s signature on a petition being disqualified because she signed her married name but was registered under her maiden name? Where’s the inclusiveness in that?)

Now Obama has come out with a new ad which is untrue on several fronts. The ad distorts his own record on the Born Alive Protection Act – it claims these were “taken out of context”. I can understand quotes taken out of context, but votes? These bills were not part of some “omnibus budget act” or some other such legislative BS, they stand on their own – there is no “context” here.

The Born Alive Protection Act declares any child with a beating heart or muscle movement outside the womb as ‘born alive” and therefore entitled to normal consitutional protections. How could anyone be against that? Obama was, 4 times. This ties in exactly with his “above my paygrade” comment at the Saddleback Civil Forum to the question regarding when human rights accrue to babies. If he says at birth, then babies who survive abortions would be entitled to human rights (like medical care). Hence, the dodge.

He also calls “John McCain’s attacks, the sleaziest ads ever”. Nice try Mr. Change – you would hate to miss an opportunity to slime the competition, even for something they didn’t do. The ads he is referring to were placed by BornAliveTruth.org, an independent organization presenting the truth on Obama’s voting record against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. Their ad properly states Obama’s record on the Born Alive Infant Protection act – he has voted against it 4 times. The 4th time the wording was exactly the same as the Federal version which passed the Senate 98-0 and was even supported by NARAL. He has said he would have voted for the bill if it matched the Federal version, but when given the chance, he did not. Obama is so deep in the pocket of Planned Parenthood, it borders on evil.

Finally, the quotes listed in Obama’s ad were published days before the Born Alive ads ran and referred to ads McCain ran about an entirely different subject. Obama claims his votes were taken out of context, then he uses quotes about different ads run by McCain to describe the BornAliveTruth.org ads. This is dishonesty in its purest form.

How can this be “Change” we can believe in when its the same old dirty politics and the source is untrustworthy? Not much change and not very believable if you ask me.

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