
A Teachable Moment

by on Jul.31, 2009, under Political

No, I am not referring to the “Beer Summit.”

Today’s Wall Street Journal headline reads “Cash for Clunkers” Runs Out of Gas.  The article describes how the $1 billion program under which people can trade in old used cars and receive $4,500 for the purchase of a more fuel efficient new car is running out of cash, has experienced significant processing delays and has car dealers hesitating to take new deals for fear of not being paid under the program.

Let’s do the math.  $1 billion divided by $4,500 equals 222,222 potential transactions under this program.

If the government can not properly project the demand and administer a program for $1 billion and 222,222 transactions, how can we possibly expect the government to manage the country’s $2.2 trillion health care costs for 300 million people?

Definitely a Teachable Moment.

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