Is This Any Surprise II?
by Mike on Jun.08, 2011, under Political
Headline at CNBC:
Many US Employers to Drop Health Benefits: McKinsey
A McKinsey survey of about 1300 businesses has found 30% will definitely or probably stop offering health care coverage for their employees and drop them into the government exchanges.
Can you say “Single Payer”? Can you say “If you like your current insurance, you WON”T be able to keep it?”
My guess is that this will be a higher % because once significant momentum for dumping employees into the gov’t exchanges is achieved, that will be considered the norm for an employee benefits package and the negative stigma will be removed, thereby hastening the process for other companies to follow suit. This, in turn, will force the insurance companies to raise rates due to customer losses, forcing more companies into the exchanges.
Key point : “The numbers compare to a Congressional Budget Office estimate that only about 7 percent of employees currently covered by employer-sponsored plans will have to switch to subsidized-exchange policies in 2014, McKinsey said.” I assume that means that Obamacare will save the U.S. Gov’t even more money!!
Very Nice!