Chuck Colson: 1931-2012
by Mike on Apr.23, 2012, under Political
Saturday, we lost one of the great modern heroes/workhorses for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Chuck Colson, reformed political operative turned missionary to prisoners, went to be with the Lord following complications resulting from a brain hemorrhage. Colson was 80.
I first became acquainted with Colson through his book Born Again, which had a significant impact on my spiritual walk in the mid-1980’s. He similarly impacted thousands/millions of others through his books, speeches and the work of the Prison Fellowship ministry he founded. A number of wonderful testimonials can be found at the National Review Online.
Chuck Colson was a man who made peoples’ lives better because he took the gospel to heart and lived it daily. He was unapologetic in sharing is faith and standing up for “the least of these.” He is a powerful example of the redemptive power of faith in Jesus Christ and he will be missed. He truly was a good and faithful servant.