It’s the Economy, Stupid!
by Mike on Mar.06, 2009, under Political
I never thought I would be rallying around the Clinton war cry, but I guess I am.
While our 401Ks burn and unemployment climbs, what is the President focused on – Healthcare, Energy Policy and Education. In the meantime, we have no plan to resolve the banking crisis put forward from Secretary Geitner (the one who brought so much expertise to this position we needed to overlook his ability to file an accurate tax return.) Until the credit markets are freed up, we will continue to see companies and citizens hold back on spending and the economic pain will continue.
BTW – How does the President plan to reform energy policy? By a cap and trade system under under which “electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket”. That will certainly help the economy and will definitely put-off a lot of voters who thought they were electing a centrist who would bring about change we can believe in.
I guess the upside is that if the economy doesn’t recover, we are looking at a one-term president. The question then becomes how long does it take to reverse the slide to socialism we are currently on.