
The Death of the American Dream

by on Mar.22, 2010, under Political

Last night at 9:45pm the American Dream died with the casting of vote number 216 in favor of the Obamacare health bill.  Thus begins the wussification of America.  Barack Obama’s strategy to transform America is hitting full stride with this wretched event.  I mourn for my children and their children.

Even though I have signed the Tea Party Patriot Repeal the Bill petition, I think the likelihood of repeal is fairly minimal.  We would either need a veto proof majority in the Senate in 2010 or a filibuster proof majority in 2012 with the ouster of Obama.  Both scenarios would require a Republican majority in the House.  The likelihood a Republican politician would have the stones to repeal this massive middle class entitlement is equally minimal.  Which is the last country to throw out government run health care?  Nada.  We do have some hope in that other than the taxes which fund this monstrosity, not much health care is actually dispensed under this bill for 2-3 years.  So perhaps it could be repealed, since nobody will feel much pain of lost benefits.  However, that likelihood is small in my estimation.

So what have Obama and the Democrats foisted upon us?  Euro-style mediocrity.  Whereas the United States, as Ronald Reagan so eloquently stated, is a “shining city on a hill”, now we are on our way to being another former world superpower like the French, the British, the Germans, the Dutch, etc.

At the individual level, once the entitlement mindset fully sets in, why would anyone strive to get ahead when the government will meet all of your needs?  Why try to be exceptional when the government is ensuring equality of outcomes?  Why risk starting a business when the government is going to tax you out the wazoo?  Why innovate when the reward for doing so is to be branded a robber-baron or elitist?  Why take a risk when you can be assured you will get by (just like everyone else)?

The death of the entrepreneurial spirit and innovation will cause our economy to stagnate and flatten out.  This in turn will lead to lower tax revenues and higher tax rates (which are already baked into the bill).  Higher taxes will severely limit the economy’s ability to recover from the current recession or to grow significantly after/if we do recover.  Eventually the government’s appetite for tax revenues and the citizenry’s ability to pay will reach equilibrium.  Before that happens, however, the government will have implemented health care rationing on a scale never before seen.  Additionally, as a much larger portion of our government revenues are turned inward to social programs such as health care, less money will be available for defense and protecting the world from terrorists, dictators and despots.  We will be vulnerable to nutcases such as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or Kim Jong-il.

America has been a great country because anyone can be successful, because your destiny is on your own hands.  Hard work and perseverance payoff in America.  I fear this will no longer be the case.  Government control over all areas of our lives from the health care we receive to the earnings we are allowed to keep will bludgeon the American dream to get ahead into a just another wistful memory.

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