
My Solution to the Illegal Immigration Problem

by on Aug.03, 2010, under Political

  1. Seal the border – with a fence or a wall.  Then add all the electronic stuff then add the Border Patrol then add the troops.  If we are serious about shutting down the border and keeping our sovereignty as a nation, we can and must do this.
  2. People who are here illegally can apply to stay as a Legal Resident.  They have 6 months to register and must provide proof they have been here at least 1 year, that they currently have a job, and that they are currently paying taxes.
  3. After 6 months, Legal Residents must carry and be willing to provide their “papers” to any law enforcement person who requests such “papers”.  Anyone detained without “papers” will be incarcerated immediately until they are sent home, wherever that is.
  4. Legal Resident can NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER vote in an election in the U.S.  Legal Residents are guests within this country and have no say in how the country, state, county, city, school board, HOA, etc. is run.  Anyone here illegally who wants to be able to vote should go home and apply to enter the U.S. legally and follow the proscribed steps to obtaining citizenship.

There are obviously lots of details that would be necessary with this plan – eminent domain for the fence (which I would support), fraud in the system, could the federal gov’t actually manage a program like this, anchor babies, social security eligibility, etc., but this is a start.  The important thing is that it takes the political prize of votes bought by offering amnesty to millions of illegals off the table.

Those are my thoughts – where do you stand on this issue?

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