
Go Floyd Go!!

by on Oct.02, 2008, under Cycling

That’s what I screamed (to myself, at least) during the famous/imfamous Stage 17 of the 2006 Tour de France when Floyd took back most of the time he lost the prior day and reinjected himself back into the GC hunt.

I am screaming the same thing now that Floyd has taken his case out of the bailiwick of the USADA and CAS (where conviction is more important than the truth and the rules are changed/made up on the fly) and into the US Federal Court system (where evidence and procedure do matter).

Apparently, Floyd can’t race after his suspension expires (January) until he pays the punitive $100K that CAS levied upon him.  After being screwed the way he has, I would not be inclined to pay either.

That’s why I say – Go Floyd Go!!

ps.  Let me be clear, I do not know if Floyd doped or not.  I would like to think he did not.  However, it is very clear to me that his guilt was never proven – just assumed.  A system where the athlete is presumed guilty unless they can prove themselves innocent should be an anathema to any US citizen.  It is very difficult to prove a negative (I didn’t do it) as is evidenced by the USADA’s 95%+ record vs atheletes.

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